K9 Spirit Guides

by Heather Leigh Strom

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Experience the MAGIC of this book!

The unmistakable bond between human and canine is remarkable!

But what is the true purpose dogs serve in our lives?

We’ve always suspected dogs are magical angels from God. In K9 Spirit Guides, author Heather Leigh Strom gives you proof that our canine companions possess specific divine gifts to facilitate our healing, elevate our awareness, and expand our consciousness as children of God. Man’s best friends have their own spirit guides, which is why they appear in our lives just when we need them most.

In her award winning, ground-breaking book, K9 Spirit Guides: The Healing Power of Man's Best Friend, she narrates a story of a girl and her dogs. These special dogs found their way to her from throughout the world. However, their clandestine purpose and message wasn’t fully understood for decades. This story tells how these special K9 angels led their owner strategically through a divine journey of self-actualization and spiritual ascension.

Strom shares how her painful trauma healed instantly with their guidance; how these K9 guides brought her complete understanding of her life, who she was, and where she was going; and how they offered healing, peace, and divine spiritual enlightenment decades after her dogs died.

This book is touching people in so many ways!  We have been recognized in the animals-pets, in the new age nonfiction, spirituality, and in the regional eBook categories!

What is this book about?

K9 spirit guides are angelic support entities that connect with us through our canine friends. Essentially, our dogs have spirit guides much as each of us has our own spirit guides that helps us along our journey. Only the dogs’ spirit guides are not present to support the dog; rather, they are here for us! They watch over us offering their unique wisdom and benevolent healing through man’s best friend. They are not your dog’s individual spirit, and they are not what psychics tap into when they tell you what your dog is thinking. These stealth guardians have never spoken out until now. This book serves as their debut, an unveiling of sorts, to enlighten humanity about their presence, their purpose, and their gifts. It is an invitation for humankind to use these gifts to empower expedited healing and enlightenment. 

These special guides have specific messages for all of us. When they have one for you, they can appear to you physically as an actual dog, which is clearly visible, or they can appear spiritually, invisible to the untrained mind, maybe as a dog from your past. They can visit you energetically even if you do not have a dog or do not like dogs. Their gifts and messages are for all of humanity and are designed to assist in expanding our consciousness and ultimate ascension process.

read a sample of the book

Join the author for Channeled Messages from the K9 spirit guides!

She publishes YouTube videos about the daily messages she receives from these guides for all of humanity to enjoy!

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For more in-depth discussion about these compelling topics enjoy her live YouTube show and receive a free healing from the K9 spirit guides!

"Howling at the Moon with the K9 Guides"!

A riveting and provocative discussion about obscure things (and dogs)!


Heather is an exceptional writer and storyteller.  Her psychic channel is one of the purest, clean, and accurate I have come across in a long time.  The core four trust her with their most precious teachings, and they trust her to share them with you directly, untainted, and unfiltered – this is why, as Heather has suggested you must read this book from cover to cover and in order – otherwise you may miss something important to you. Read more

Clayton John Ainger, the Congruent Mystic

5.0 out of 5 stars A Profound Journey with the K9 Spirit Guides

In her groundbreaking book, "K9 Spirit Guides: he Healing power of Man's Best Friend." heather Leigh Strom offers an extraordinary exploration of the spiritual connection between humans and dogs. This book is not just a tale about the love and companionship of dogs; it is an unveiling of the profound spiritual assistance they offer.

Strom masterfully narrates a poignant story of personal transformation guided by the angelic presence of K9 spirit guides. What makes this narrative unique is that our canine companions are not just pets, but spiritual entities with access to divine wisdom, tasked with guiding humans on their spiritual paths.

"K9 Spirit Guides" is beautifully written, with each chapter drawing the reader deeper into understanding the mystical relationship we share with our canine friends. Heather Leigh Strom's ability to channel these messages in an untainted and pure form is a gift to readers, offering a fresh perspective on spiritual healing and enlightenment.

The book not only educates but also inspires a curiosity to connect with one's own K9 spirit guides. It encourages readers to look beyond the physical and explore the spiritual potentials of their relationships with dogs. Whether you are a dog lover, spiritual seeker, or someone curios about a deeper meaning of your life's journey, This book has so much to offer.

In conclusion , "K9 Spirit Guides" by Heather Leigh Strom is an invitation to explore the uncharted territories of spiritual guidance through the loving and wise eyes of our canine companions. It is a compelling read that will leave you looking at every dog you meet, wondering about the deeper spiritual connections they might hold. Read it here

"Strom is a wonderful storyteller, weaving her incredible life story with the healing and lessons from the guides. Her journey to spiritual sovereignty is laid out; she explains how she integrated the lessons of the Core Four and other guides & mentors who assisted. The story is at times heartbreaking. It was relatable to me in many ways, making the concept of awakening to my purpose a real possibility. Her passion for speaking her truth is contagious, shining through in her voice as she shares her message in the audiobook..." Read More

Fascinating spiritual story about how guides work in our lives

Heather’s book is a story about her own spiritual path and how the guidance for her path came through her dogs throughout her life. I am on my own spiritual journey so it was very meaningful to me to hear how she received messages and help in her life from spirits who worked through her dogs. Heather is a natural story teller. She introduces the reader to 4 guides who came through her dogs and she describes the lessons she learned in various stages throughout her life. I think her journey is quite interesting. I always learn so much from hearing others’ spiritual experiences. Heather’s story should cause us all to reflect and question how our own guides are working in our lives. Read More

Amazing book and healing session

"I have read “k9 Spirit Guides” twice and each time the book reveals a deeper message. Heather Leigh’s life story is powerful enough by itself, but the idea that the K9 spirit guides were with her all along gave me something bigger to consider. It’s a powerful message and provides a springboard for the reader into a deeper understanding of the spiritual realm hidden beneath the surface of our material world. It gave me a new perspective on life, and a new reason to look deeper within myself. Now her gifts bring these guides and their healing abilities directly to us, offering an insurmountable resource for healing never understood before. I definitely recommend this book, not just to those who love dogs, but also to anyone seeking a deeper meaning in life or from within their own soul!" Read More

Deep and thought-provoking

"Heather Leigh's book was not a fast read, but it captivated me. First , I learned so much about Heather, and have a glimpse into what her life experiences were, and how the K9 spirit guides helped her to heal and  tap into your devine self.  The book  has developed a curiosity how I can tap into the guides, and maybe uncover some additional meanings of my life's journeys.  The book was well written, and from her heart. It held my attention, and was marked-up with comments, key messages for me. Thank you, Heather Leigh, for sharing with us your newly discovered gifts and life's purpose! Read More


"I listened to K9 spirit guides a few months after my dog passed and it helped me understand my connection to him on a much deeper level. I’ve always believed dogs have a divine intelligence and this book takes you on a deep dive into a beautiful spiritual realm with the K9 guides. Heather’s personal stories are so inspiring; I admire her honesty and vulnerability. I’ve also experienced a healing session with Heather which was so helpful in moving through some guilt and grief from losing my dog. I have full faith that while his physical form is no longer here, he’s always with me. And we will meet again. Thank you, Heather!" Read the review


"While I wouldn't consider myself to be a "dog person" nor do I have a dog, this book was absolutely spectacular! The further I got into the book the better it got. I resonated with so much of this powerful story and now have a new outlook on our canine friends. I shed many tears listening to this book and didn't want it to be over." Read More


Meet the Core Four : the first four of the K9 spirit guides

*visit their individual pages for more information about them*